Udžbenik – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama, autor prof. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković, Fakultet bezbednosti
Taktika zastite i spasavanja u katastrofama autora prof. dr Vladimira M. Cvetkovica
Knjiga ,,Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama“ predstavlјa pionirsko, originalno i sveobuhvatno delo u kojem se na sistematičan i vrlo pojednostavlјen i razumlјiv način opisuju operativni, taktički i strateški aspekti osmišlјavanja, implementacije i primene mera zaštite i spasavanja u različitim katastrofama izazvanim prirodnim (zemlјotresi, klizišta, odroni, poplave, bujice, lavine, cunami, šumski požari, epidemije, epifitonoze, epizonoze, vulkanske erupcije, suše, ekstremne snežne padavine, mećave i vejavice itd.) i antropogenim odnosno tehničko-tehnološkim opasnostima (nuklearne i radiološke, transportne i industrijske opasnosti, opasne materije, ratna razaranja i teroristički napadi). Udžbenik o taktici zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama je prvenstveno namenjen studentima osnovnih, master i doktorskih studija na Fakultetu bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu i na Kriminalističko-policijskom univerzitetu, ali i široj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti koja se interesuje za najsavremenija rešenja, metode i principe zaštite lјudi i imovine u katastrofama izazvanih prirodnim i antropogenim opasnostima. Autor se trudio da sadržaj udžbenika bude usklađen sa nastavnim planom i programom na predmetu Zaštita od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa koji se izučava na četvrtoj godini osnovnih akademskih studija na Fakultetu bezbednosti. Iz tih razloga, autor je uložio ozbilјne napore na usklađivanju standarda udžbenika sa osnovnim naučno-stručnim, pedagoškim i didaktičko-metodičkim zahtevima i standardima. Nažalost, na našim prostorima nije postojao udžbenik na osnovu kojeg bi se mogla sagledati celovita slika i spoznati osnovne informacije o taktičkim procedurama i preporukama za postupanje u različitim katastrofama. U domaćoj naučnoj literaturi oblast taktike zaštite i spasavanja lјudi u katastrofama je nedovolјno istražena, sveobuhvatna i sistematična, a posebno nesadržinski strukturirana u jednom sveobuhvatnom udžbeniku. Sporadičnim pristupima u različitim naučnim disciplinama, ovom predmetu proučavanja, pristupali su naučnici iz različitih polјa i sfera interesovanja. Ipak, jedinstvenost ove knjige se ogleda u ozbilјnim naporima autora da na sveobuhvatan način upotpuni skroman i nedovolјno utemelјen fond naučnih saznanja o različitostima taktičkih pristupa u fenomenološki i etiološki različitim katastrofama koje ugrožavaju pojedinca i društvo. Knjiga koja je pred vama u potpunosti je usaglašena sa specifičnostima pristupa koji autor primenjuju u razmatranju problematike taktike zaštite i spasavanja lјudi u katastrofama. Autor iznosi mnogobrojne primere iz prakse na kojima zasniva svoje elaboracije u pogledu preporučenog i ispravnog načina postupanja svih pripadnika nadležnih službi u katastrofama. Takođe, autor izgradnju teorijskih principa, koncepata i sugestija zasniva na ličnom bogatom naučno-istraživačkom iskustvu i radovima koje je u velikoj meri iskoristio za pisanje udžbenika. U knjizi su sublimirani rezultati mnogobrojnih sopstvenih naučnih istraživanja objavlјenih u poslednjih deset godina, a koja predstavlјaju bogatu teorijsku i empirijsku riznicu podataka stvaranu u poslednjoj deceniji njegovog naučno-istraživačkog rada. Kvalitet udžbenika se ogleda u usaglašavanju teksta sa najsavremenijim teorijskim dostignućima i fondovima teorijskih i empirijskih saznanja u oblasti zaštite i spasavanja lјudi u katastrofama na području Ruske federacije, Sjedinjenih američkih država, Kine, Nemačke i drugih država. Prilikom rada na knjizi, autor se susretao sa brojnim izazovima i preprekama koje je morao da savlada kako bi knjiga dobila svoju naučnu i pragmatičnu vrednost. Odabir najznačajnih taktičkih rešenja u različitim nacionalnim sistemima zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama bio je pravi izazov. Bilo je potrebno dosta promišlјanja u smeru prilagođavanja taktičkih preporuka sa društveno-ekonomskim i drugim okolnostima u Srbiji. Prilagođavanje bogate naučno-stručne terminologije sa različitih govornih područja i društveno-političkih i socijalno-ekonomskih ambijenata, a u kontekstu taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama, nametnuo je predlaganje novih termina prikladnih srpskom govornom području. Prevodi mnogih stručnih pojmova iz oblasti studija katastrofa nisu jedinstveno ustanovlјeni, ni u teoriji, a ni u praksi. Težnja ka univerzalnim pojmovima, pogotovo u operacijama zajedničkog delovanja u sprečavanju nastanka ili širenja posledica katastrofama se naprosto nameće kao svojevrsni imperativ. Idejna tvorevina, organizacija i sam tekst udžbenika praćen je ozbilјnim već spomenutim izazovima i bilo je teško odgovoriti svim zahtevima koji su se javlјali u toku samog pisanja. Ograničenja u pogledu broja stranica, zatim zahtevi za udovolјavanjem naučnim i stručnim potrebama, stvaranje osnova za dalјi napredak i razvoj teorijskog i empirijskog fonda naučnog saznanja i različite perspektive mnogobrojnih naučnih disciplina, imali su uticaj na kvalitet, organizaciju i sveobuhvatnost knjige. Iz tih razloga, autor smatra da će sve sugestije, kritike, polemike, zapažanja i komentari biti od velikog značaja za unapređivanje teksta udžbenika u narednim izdanjima koja će sazrevati sa razvojem naučne discipline taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. Organizacija sadržaja Knjiga je organizovana i sistematizovana u veći broj poglavlјa kao što su: I – Uvod u taktiku zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama; II – Mere zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama, III – Upravlјanje merama zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama; IV – Uloga i zadaci interventno-spasilačkih službi u katastrofama; V – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim litosferskim opasnostima; VI – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim hidrosferskim opasnostima; VII – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim atmosferskim opasnostima; VIII – Taktika zaštite u katastrofama izazvanim biosferskim opasnostima; IX – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim tehničko-tehnološkim opasnostima; X – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim terorističkim napadima; X – Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim velikim požarima. Na jedan zanimlјiv i informativan način opisuje se organizacija mera zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama izazvanim prirodnim i tehničko-tehnološkim opasnostima. Organizacija sadržaja je urađena shodno značaju i potrebama budućih menadžera rizika od katastrofa, kao i drugih koji će neposredno ili posredno učestvovati u aktivnostima zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. U prvom poglavlјu udžbenika razmatra se pojmovno određenje taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama sa posebnim osvrtom na teorijsku evoluciju njegovog sadržaja i obima pojma. Detalјno se razmatra predmet taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama sa isticanjem njegovih glavnih etioloških i fenomenoloških dimenzija. Pored toga, objašnjavaju se izazovi i mogućnosti razvoja taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama i posebno se elaborira njena povezanost sa razvojem samih studija o katastrofama u najširem smislu. Ističe se da iako postoji bogata riznica naučnih saznanja o uzrocima i posledicama prirodnih opasnosti, one i dalјe izazivaju katastrofe, posebno u zemlјama u razvoju. Opisuju se izvori podataka o taktici zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama koji se dobijaju prikuplјanjem i analiziranjem iz više različitih postojećih i generisanih baza podataka. Naglašava se da postoje različite istraživačke organizacije koje raspolažu većim brojem baza podataka u kojima se nalaze direktni ili indirektni izvori o taktici zaštite i spasavanju. Na kraju, daje se pregled osnovnih izvora podataka sa opisom njihovih karakteristika i samog značaja za ravoj teorije. U drugom poglavlјu udžbenika razmatra se pojmovno određenje mera zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama i sagledavaju se istorijski aspekti razvoja takvih mera od perioda nakon Drugog svetskog rata pa sve do danas. Posebno se objašnjavaju različiti periodi razvoja nastanka i primene mera zaštite i spasavanja u praksi. Na jedan sistematičan i sveobuhvatan način elaboriraju se različite vrste mera zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama: sistem ranog upozoravanja, obaveštavanja i uzbunjivanja građana; evakuacija; mere potrage i spasavanja; asanacija terena, organizacija sahranjivanja leševa; osiguranje rizika od katastrofa; mobilizacija i zaštita kritične infrastrukture od katastrofa. U okviru dela koji se odnosi na evakuaciju lјudi u katastrofama, objašnjavaju se načini organizacije sprovođenja evakuacije i sam proces planiranja mera realizacije evakuacije. U okviru asanacije terena, posebna pažnja se posvećuje organizaciji sahranjivanja leševa nakon katastrofe. Na kraju, daje se pregled osnovnih karakteristika karakteristika prirodnih i antropogenih opasnosti kao uzroka katastrofa. U trećem poglavlјu udžbenika iznose se konceptualne osnove upravlјanja merama zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. Sagledavaju se karakteristike i specifičnosti organizacije upravlјanja merama zaštite i spasavanja na različitim nivoima: strateškom, taktičkom i operativnom. U okviru taktičkog nivoa, sagledavaju se nadležnosti i načini postupanja štabova za upravlјanje merama zaštite i spasavanja. Zatim, u okviru operativnog nivoa upravlјanja merama zaštite i spasavanja, detalјno se elaboriraju nadležnosti rukovodilaca intervencija, procena bezbednosti postupanja, upravlјanje i kontrolisanje područja, upravlјanje informacijama i resursima, izveštavanje nakon katastrofe. Posebna pažnja pridaje se logističkim aspektima podrške upravlјanju merama zaštite i spasavanja. Razmatraju se zadaci i aktivnosti različitih odelјenja od značaja za logističku podršku: odelјenje za planiranje; odelјenje za materijalno snabdevanje; odelјenje za operacije; odelјenje za administrativno-pravna pitanja i finansije, kao i uloga informacionih sistema u procesu zaštite od katastrofa. Polazeći od neophodnosti poznavanja različitih sistema zaštite i spasavanja od katastrofa, daje se pregled karakteristika organizacije i načina funkcionisanja takvih sistema u Rusiji, Sjedinjenim američkim državama, Srbiji, Nemačkoj i Kini. Ne zanemarujući ogroman značaj različitih aspekata planiranja mera zaštite i spasavanja, sagledavaju se različite dimenzije prošlih katastrofa sa cilјem izvlačenja svih pouka i unapređenja sistema zaštite i spasavanja kako se takve posledice ne bi opet mogle ponoviti. U četvrtom trećem poglavlјu udžbenika se na jedan sveobuhvatan, logičan i sistematičan način sagledavaju različite uloge i zadaci interventno-spasilačkih službi u katastrofama kao što su policija, vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice, služba hitne medicinske pomoći, vojske, jedinice civilne zaštite i drugih subjekata sistema smanjenja rizika od katastrofa. Posebna pažnja pridaje se razmatranju svih direktnih i indirektnih mera koje se preduzimaju u cilјu zaštite osoblјa interventno-spasilačkih službi tokom preduzimanja aktivnosti iz svoje nadležnosti. Pored toga, detalјno se opisuje oprema koju pripadnici spomenuti službi mogu koristiti u cilјu sprečavanja ili otklanjanja posledica prirodnih ili antropogenih opasnosti. Ne zapostavlјajući značaj konkretnih obuka, opisuju se različite aktivnosti i načini obučavanja pripadnika spomenutih službi. Uzimajući u obzir važnost funkcionisanja komunikacija u katastrofama, autor opisuje načine funkcionisanja različitih komunikacionih mreža u katastrofama. Na kraju, daje se pregled različitih procedura za sprovođenje operacija dekontaminacije i asanacije terena. Razmatraju se aktivnosti hitne i masovne dekontaminacije u kontekstu različitih katastrofa. Od petog do desetog poglavlјu udžbenika daje se pregled najznačajnijih taktičkih principa i preporuka u pogledu zaštite i spasavanja, odnosno preduzimanja konkretnih operativno taktičkih i tehničkih mera i radnji u različitim katastrofama izazvanim prirodnim i tehničko-tehnološkim opasnostima. Detalјno se opisuju i analiziraju taktički principi zaštite i spasavanja lјudi u različitim spomenutim opasnostima. Uz to, posebna pažnja posvećuje se pitanjima pojmovnog određena i karakteristikama takvih opasnosti od značaja za zaštitu i spasavanje. Pored toga, preispituju se, formulišu i proučavaju organizacija i konkretne mere zaštite u katastrofama. Razjašnjavaju se i opisuju organizacija spasilačkih aktivnosti u katastrofama izazvanim zemlјotresima, klizištima, odronima i vulkanskim erupcijama. Sledstveno tome, za svaku od spomenutih opasnosti, sagledavaju se karakteristike samih opasnosti, organizacija i mere zaštite, kao i organizacija spasilačkih aktivnosti. Zahvalnost Tokom višegodišnjeg rada na stvaranju ozbilјnog teorijskog i empirijskog fonda naučnih saznanja iz oblasti studija katastrofa, a ponajviše iz oblasti upravlјanja rizicima od katastrofa i taktike zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama, zadužili su me mnogobrojni profesori, stručnjaci i praktičari iz oblasti katastrofa. Profesori sa Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta, Fakulteta bezbednosti, Geografskog fakulteta, Šumarskog i Pravnog fakulteta iz Novog Sada su me svih ovih godina podsticali, davali nove ideje, snagu i podršku u turbulentnim periodima moje karijere. Iskoristio bih ovu priliku da se zahvalim sledećim profesorima čije su me reči snažile, vodile i pružale mi snagu, a koji su uvek bili tu da saslušaju, odagnaju i pomognu u svakoj situaciji: prof. dr Goran Milošević, prof. dr Dragan Mlađan, prof. dr Vladimir Jakovlјević, prof. dr Boban Milojković, prof. dr Slavolјub Dragićević, prof. dr Srđan Milašinović, prof. dr Tatjana Bugarski, prof. dr Stanimir Kostadinov, prof. dr Želimir Kešetović, prof. dr Zoran Keković, prof. dr Bojan Janković i prof. dr Jasmina Gačić, prof. dr Hatidža Beriša. Pored toga, zahvalio bih se posebno članovima Naučno-stručnog društva za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama i Međunarodnog instituta za istraživanje katastrofa za nesebičnu podršku i pomoć: Jovani Martinović, Nemanji Milјkoviću, Sofiji Radojković, Nemanji Dankoviću, Milici Vlajković, Vanji Šišović, Milici Stefanović, Tamari Mančić, Zoranu Planojeviću, Jeleni Planić, Tamari Ivković, Marku Nikoliću, Darku Protiću, Vladimiru Aksentijeviću, Milošu Ivoviću, Milošu Veličkoviću, svojoj porodici, majci Slavici Cvetković i bratu Aleksandru Cvetkoviću, kao i drugima koje ovom prilikom ne bih izričito da spominjem. Iskrenu i nesebičnu zahvalnost dugujem svojim studentima sa Fakulteta bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu i Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta koji su mi tokom nastavnog procesa dali motivaciju i podršku da uložim višegodišnji napor i napišem udžbenik koji je pred vama. Posebnu zahvalnost za veliku podršku na putu do uspeha dugujem i Sekretarki Fakulteta bezbednosti, Univerziteta u Beogradu Neveni Nastić. U procesu recenziranja, stručni komentari, sugestije i predlozi su mi bili od nemerlјive pomoći da delo dobije svoje jedinstven i autentičan pečat koga karakterišu specifični organizacioni aspekti i sadržaji. U tom smislu, veliku podršku sam dobio od od prof. dr Vladimira Jakovlјevića sa Fakulteta bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu, prof. dr Bojana Jankovića sa Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta, prof. dr Slavolјuba Dragićevića sa Geografskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i prof. dr Srđana Milašinovića sa Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta. Neizmernu podršku, autor iskazuje i Naučno-stručnom društvu za upravlјanje rizicima u katastrofama i Međunarodnom institutu za istraživanje katastrofa, bez čije sveobuhvatne naučne, logističke i finansijske podrške knjiga ne bi ugledala svetlost dana. Ovom prilikom iskazao bih i veliku zahvalnost Božijoj moći i molitvama koje su me nesebično vodile na putu do uspeha u stvaralačkim aktivnosti.
The book „Tactics of protection and rescue in disasters“ is a pioneering, original and comprehensive work that describes in a systematic and very simplified and understandable way operational, tactical, and strategic aspects of design, implementation and application of protection and rescue measures in various natural disasters (earthquakes, landslides, landslides, floods, torrents, avalanches, tsunamis, forest fires, epidemics, epiphytonosis, epizooses, volcanic eruptions, droughts, extreme snowfall, blizzards and blizzards, etc.) and anthropogenic or technical-technological hazards (nuclear and radiological, transport and industrial hazards, hazardous materials, war destruction and terrorist attacks). The textbook on protection and rescue tactics in disasters is primarily intended for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students at the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, but also the general scientific and professional public interested in state-of-the-art solutions, methods and principles of human protection. and assets in disasters caused by natural and man-made hazards. The author tried to harmonize the content of the textbook with the curriculum on the subject of Protection from Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters, which is studied in the fourth year of basic academic studies at the Faculty of Security. For these reasons, the author has made serious efforts to harmonize textbook standards with basic scientific-professional, pedagogical and didactic-methodological requirements and standards. Unfortunately, in our area there was no textbook based on which one could see the complete picture and get to know the basic information about tactical procedures and recommendations for dealing with various disasters. In the domestic scientific literature, the field of tactics of protection and rescue of people in disasters is insufficiently researched, comprehensive and systematic, and especially non-content structured in one comprehensive textbook. Sporadic approaches in different scientific disciplines, this subject of study, were approached by scientists from different fields and spheres of interest. However, the uniqueness of this book is reflected in the serious efforts of the author to comprehensively complete the modest and insufficiently established fund of scientific knowledge about the differences of tactical approaches in phenomenologically and etiologically different disasters that threaten individuals and society. The book in front of you has fully harmonized with the specifics of the approach that the author applies in considering the issue of tactics of protection and rescue of people in disasters. The author presents numerous examples from practice on which he bases his elaborations regarding the recommended and correct way of acting of all members of the competent services in disasters. Also, the author bases the construction of theoretical principles, concepts and suggestions on his personal rich scientific research experience and works that he has largely used to write textbooks. The book sublimates the results of numerous of his own scientific researches published in the last ten years, which represent a rich theoretical and empirical treasury of data created in the last decade of his scientific research work. The quality of the textbook is reflected in the harmonization of the text with the most modern theoretical achievements and funds of theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of protection and rescue of people in disasters in the Russian Federation, the United States, China, Germany and other countries. While working on the book, the author encountered numerous challenges and obstacles that he had to overcome in order for the book to gain its scientific and pragmatic value. Choosing the most important tactical solutions in different national disaster protection and rescue systems was a real challenge. It took a lot of thought in the direction of adapting tactical recommendations to socio-economic and other circumstances in Serbia. Adapting the rich scientific and professional terminology from different speaking areas and socio-political and socio-economic environments, and in the context of tactics of protection and rescue in disasters, he imposed proposing new terms suitable for the Serbian speaking area. Translations of many professional terms in the field of disaster studies have been uniquely established, neither in theory nor in practice. The pursuit of universal notions, especially in operations of joint action in preventing the occurrence or spread of the consequences of disasters, is simply imposed as a kind of imperative. The conceptual creation, organization and the text of the textbook itself were accompanied by serious challenges already mentioned, and it was difficult to respond to all the requests that arose during the writing itself. Restrictions on the number of pages, then the requirements for meeting scientific and professional needs, creating a basis for further progress and development of theoretical and empirical fund of scientific knowledge and different perspectives of many scientific disciplines, had an impact on the quality, organization and comprehensiveness of the book. For these reasons, the author believes that all suggestions, criticisms, polemics, observations and comments will be of great importance for improving the textbook in future editions, which will mature with the development of the scientific discipline of protection and rescue tactics in disasters. Content organization The book is organized and systematized into several chapters such as: I – Introduction to disaster protection and rescue tactics; II – Disaster protection and rescue measures, III – Management of disaster protection and rescue measures; IV – The role and tasks of emergency services in disasters; V – Protection and rescue tactics in disasters caused by lithospheric hazards; VI – Protection and rescue tactics in disasters caused by hydrosphere hazards; VII – Tactics of protection and rescue in disasters caused by atmospheric hazards; VIII – Tactics of protection in disasters caused by biosphere hazards; IX – Protection and rescue tactics in disasters caused by technical and technological hazards; X – Protection and rescue tactics in disasters caused by terrorist attacks; X – Protection and rescue tactics in disasters caused by large fires. The organization of protection and rescue measures in disasters caused by natural and technical-technological dangers is described in an interesting and informative way. The organization of the content is done following the importance and needs of future disaster risk managers, as well as others who will directly or indirectly participate in disaster protection and rescue activities. The first chapter of the textbook discusses the conceptual definition of protection and rescue tactics in disasters with special reference to the theoretical evolution of its content and scope. The subject of protection and rescue tactics in disasters is considered in detail, emphasizing its main etiological and phenomenological dimensions. In addition, the challenges and possibilities of developing disaster protection and rescue tactics are explained, and its connection with the development of disaster studies in the broadest sense is elaborated. It is pointed out that although there is a rich treasury of scientific knowledge about the causes and consequences of natural hazards, they still cause disasters, especially in developing countries. The sources of data on protection and rescue tactics in disasters obtained by collecting and analyzing from several different existing and generated databases are described. It is emphasized that various research organizations have a large number of databases that contain direct or indirect sources on protection and rescue tactics. Finally, an overview of basic data sources is given, describing their characteristics and their significance for the development of the theory. The second chapter of the textbook discusses the conceptual definition of protection and rescue measures in disasters and examines the historical aspects of the development of such measures from the period after the Second World War until today. Different periods of development and application of protection and rescue measures in practice are especially explained. Different types of disaster protection and rescue measures are elaborated systematically and comprehensively: the system of early warning, information and alerting of citizens; evacuation; search and rescue measures; remediation of the terrain, organization of burial of corpses; disaster risk insurance; mobilization and protection of critical infrastructure from disasters. Within the part related to the evacuation of people in disasters, the ways of organizing the implementation of the evacuation and the process of planning evacuation measures are explained. As part of the clean-up of the terrain, special attention is paid to the organization of the burial of corpses after the disaster. Finally, an overview of the basic characteristics of the characteristics of natural and anthropogenic hazards as causes of disasters is given. The third chapter of the textbook presents the conceptual foundations of disaster protection and rescue management. The characteristics and specifics of the organization of management of protection and rescue measures at different levels: strategic, tactical, and operational are considered. Within the tactical level, the competencies and ways of acting of the headquarters for the management of protection and rescue measures are considered. Then, within the operational level of management of protection and rescue measures, the competencies of intervention managers, safety assessment, management and control of areas, information and resource management, post-disaster reporting are elaborated in detail. Special attention is paid to the logistical aspects of supporting the management of protection and rescue measures. Tasks and activities of different departments of importance for logistical support are considered: planning department; material supply department; operations department; Department of Administrative and Legal Affairs and Finance, as well as the role of information systems in the process of disaster protection. Starting from the necessity of knowing different systems of protection and rescue from catastrophes, an overview of the characteristics of the organization and the way of functioning of such systems in Russia, the United States, Serbia, Germany and China is given. Without neglecting the enormous importance of different aspects of planning protection and rescue measures, different dimensions of past disasters are considered to learn all the lessons and improve the protection and rescue system so that such consequences could not be repeated. The fourth and third chapters of the textbook comprehensively, logically and systematically look at the different roles and tasks of disaster response services such as police, fire and rescue units, emergency services, the military, civil protection units and other actors in the reduction system. disaster risk. Special attention is paid to the consideration of all direct and indirect measures taken to protect the staff of emergency services during the undertaking of activities within its competence. In addition, it describes in detail the equipment that members of the said service can use to prevent or eliminate the consequences of natural or anthropogenic hazards. Without neglecting the importance of specific training, various activities and ways of training members of the mentioned services are described. Taking into account the importance of the functioning of communications in disasters, the author describes how different communication networks function in disasters. Finally, an overview of various procedures for conducting decontamination and clean-up operations is given. Emergency and mass decontamination activities in the context of various disasters are considered. Chapters five to ten of the textbook provide an overview of the most important tactical principles and recommendations in terms of protection and rescue, ie taking specific operational, tactical and technical measures and actions in various disasters caused by natural and technical-technological hazards. Tactical principles of protection and rescue of people in various mentioned dangers are described and analyzed in detail. In addition, special attention is paid to the issues of conceptual definition and the characteristics of such hazards of importance for protection and rescue. In addition, the organization and specific disaster protection measures are reviewed, formulated and studied. The organization of rescue activities in disasters caused by earthquakes, landslides, landslides and volcanic eruptions are clarified and described. Consequently, for each of the mentioned dangers, the characteristics of the dangers themselves, the organization and protection measures, as well as the organization of rescue activities are considered. Gratitude During many years of work on creating a serious theoretical and empirical fund of scientific knowledge in the field of disaster studies, and especially in the field of disaster risk management and disaster protection and rescue tactics, I was tasked by many professors, experts and practitioners in the field of disasters. Professors from the Criminal Police University, the Faculty of Security, the Faculty of Geography, the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Forestry in Novi Sad have encouraged me all these years, giving me new ideas, strength and support in the turbulent periods of my career. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following professors whose words strengthened, guided and strengthened me, and who were always there to listen, drive away and help in every situation: prof. dr Goran Milošević, prof. dr Dragan Mladjan, prof. dr Vladimir Jakovljević, prof. dr Boban Milojković, prof. dr Slavoljub Dragićević, prof. dr Srđan Milašinović, prof. dr. Tatjana Bugarski, prof. dr Stanimir Kostadinov, prof. dr Želimir Kešetović, prof. dr Zoran Keković, prof. dr Bojan Janković and prof. dr Jasmina Gačić, prof. Dr. Hatice Berisha. In addition, I would like to thank especially the members of the Scientific and Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management and the International Institute for Disaster Research for selfless support and assistance: Jovana Martinović, Nemanja Miljkovic, Sofia Radojkovic, Nemanja Danković, Milica Vlajkovic, Vanja Sisovic, Milica Stefanovic, Tamara Mančić, Zoran Planojević, Jelena Planić, Tamara Ivković, Marko Nikolić, Darko Protić, Vladimir Aksentijević, Miloš Ivović, Miloš Veličković, his family, mother Slavica Cvetković and brother Aleksandar Cvetković, as well as others whom I would not explicitly mention on this occasion. I owe sincere and selfless gratitude to my students from the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade and the the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, who gave me motivation and support during the teaching process to make many years of effort and write a textbook in front of you. I also owe special gratitude to the Secretary of the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, Nevena Nastić, for her great support on the road to success. In the process of reviewing, expert comments, suggestions and proposals were of immeasurable help to me that the work gets its unique and authentic stamp when it is characterized by specific organizational aspects and contents. In that sense, I received great support from prof. dr Vladimir Jakovljević from the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, prof. dr. Bojan Janković from the Criminal Police University, prof. dr Slavoljub Dragićević from the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade and prof. Dr. Srdjan Milašinović from the Criminal Police University. The author also expresses immense support to the Scientific and Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management and the International Institute for Disaster Research, without whose comprehensive scientific, logistical, and financial support the book would not have seen the light of day. On this occasion, I would also like to express my great gratitude to God’s power and prayers that selflessly guided me on the path to success in creative activities.
Referenca: Cvetković, V. (2022). Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, Beograd.