Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in Disaster Risk Management 🌐

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We are delighted to announce a significant collaboration between the Hellenic Crises and Disasters Management Institute (H.C.D.M.I.) based in Athens, Greece, and the Scientific and Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Belgrade, Serbia. In accordance with relevant legislation and their respective mandates, both organizations have come together with a shared vision to enhance resilience and disaster management capabilities within their national frameworks. Areas of Collaboration Include: - Scientific Research : Conducting research in civil protection, risk assessment, disaster prevention and response, smart technology utilization, and more. - Interagency Cooperation : Fostering…

Capacity Development of Local Self-Governments for DRM

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Poštovani, imamo čast da vam predstavimo objavljen naučno-istraživački rad ,,Razvoj kapaciteta lokalnih samouprava za upravljanje rizikom od katastrofa" pod pokroviteljstvom Naučno-stručnog društva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama i Međunarodnog insituta za istraživanje katastrofa. Cvetković, V. M., Tanasić, J., Ocal, A., Kešetović, Ž., Nikolić, N., & Dragašević, A. (2021). Capacity Development of Local Self-Governments for Disaster Risk Management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19). doi:10.3390/ijerph181910406 Impact Factor: 3.390 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.789 (2020) - JCR - Q1 (M21) High Visibility, Coverage by Leading Indexing Services:…