Latest issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

Continue ReadingLatest issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

📢 New Issue Alert! 📢 We are thrilled to announce the release of the latest issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)! 🌍📘 The IJDRM is a leading journal that publishes peer-reviewed research on disaster risk management, focusing on innovative strategies, collaborative efforts, and the latest advancements in the field. Whether you are a researcher, practitioner, or policymaker, the IJDRM offers valuable insights to help you stay informed and prepared. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the groundbreaking articles featured in…

Call for Papers: International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), Vol. 6, No.1

Call for Papers: International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), Vol. 6, No.1
Brošura Međunarodnog časopisa o upravljanju rizicima od katastrofa (International Journal of Disaster Risk Management)
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📢 Attention Researchers and Professors! 📢 🚀📚 We hope this message finds you well. We are pleased to extend an invitation for you to submit your valuable scientific research articles for consideration and potential publication in the upcoming issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 6, No. 1. 🌟 The International Journal of Disaster Risk Management is a peer-reviewed journal that is published twice a year. It serves as a comprehensive platform for academics, policymakers, and practitioners to share high-quality research and insights related to all aspects…

Nova sveska međunarodnog časopisa – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM) – Vol. 5, No. 2

Nova sveska međunarodnog časopisa – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM) – Vol. 5, No. 2
International Journal of Disaster Risk Management,Vol. 5, No. 2
Continue ReadingNova sveska međunarodnog časopisa – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM) – Vol. 5, No. 2

Published papers in Volume 5, No. 2   Raised Under Bad Stars: Negotiating a culture of disaster preparedness Daniel Starosta University of California Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy, California, United States DOI: Keywords: culture, storytelling, folklore, climate adaptation, indigenous knowledge, informal infrastructure, contextual engineering Abstract In efforts to prevent, respond to, and recover from disasters, what alternatives are available to top-down strategies for imposing expert knowledge on lay publics? How is the context of communities’ socio-ecological context understood in the development of programs and policy on their behalf?…

Objavljeni radovi u međunarodnom časopisu – IJDRM

Objavljeni radovi u međunarodnom časopisu  – IJDRM
Brošura (booklet) o međunarodnom časopisu - International Journal of Disaster Risk Management
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U okviru međunarodnog časopisa International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM) objavljeni su sledeći naučni radovi:Adamović, M., Milojević, S., Nikolovski, S., & Knežević, S. (2021). Pharmacy response to natural disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM), 3(2), 25-30.Aktar, M. A., Shohani, K., Hasan, M. N., & Hasan, M. K. (2021). Flood Vulnerability Assessment by Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) Method: A Study on Sirajganj Sadar Upazila. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 3(1), 1-14.Akter, R., Roy, T., & Aktar, R. (2023). The Challenges of Women in Post-disaster Health Management: A…