Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, Beograd. Obuke, edukacije, seminari, kursevi - Medjunarodni institut za istraživanje katastrofa.
Postovani saradnici, sa ponosom Vas obavestavamo da je predsednik Naucno strucnog drustva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama kategorizovan na svetskoj rang listi naucnika.
Svetska rang lista naučnika 2023 (World Scientists Rankings 2023 – AD Scientific Index)
Evropska lista 100 najboljih naučnika društvenih nauka u Srbiji 2023 (Europe Top 100 Social Sciences Scientists in Serbia 2023)
Sertifikat – 14. na rang listi naučnika društvenih nauka u Srbiji, 1. u oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa (Certificate – 14 in the ranking of social scientists in Serbia, the first in the field disaster risk management)
Europe Scientists Social Sciences Rankings in Serbia 2023
AD Scientific Index analyzes academic studies from 218 countries, 22388 universities/institutions, and 1.352.563 scientists by using H index, i10 index and citation count criteria to present results to be used for the evaluation of productivity and efficiency by individuals and institutions. In addition to the ranking by „total H-index“, you can also see the ranking and analysis by „last 6 years H-index“, „total i10 index“, „last 6 years i10 index“, „total citations“, and “last 6 years citations”