Poziv za dostavljanje naučnih radova za međunarodni časopis – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management – Call for papers: International journal of disaster risk management (IJDRM)

Poziv za dostavljanje naučnih radova za međunarodni časopis – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management – Call for papers: International journal of disaster risk management (IJDRM)


Čast nam je da pozovemo sve zainteresovane naučnike i stručnjake iz oblasti vanrednih situacija, katastrofa i drugih srodnih disciplina da pošalju svoje naučne radove. U prilogu se nalazi tekst originalnog poziva.

Call for papers: International journal of disaster risk management (IJDRM)


The International Journal of Disaster Risk Management is a peer-reviewed (twice a year) journal that serves all aspects of disaster studies, policy, and management. It provides a platform for academics, policymakers and practitioners to publish high-quality research and practice concerning natural disasters, anthropogenic disasters, complex political emergencies and crises around the world. The journal crosses and affects interdisciplinary boundaries to promote communication, collaboration and teamwork between professions and disciplines to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development. The journal encourages to the interchange of ideas and experience, to decrease the risk of disasters and build community resilience within the context of sustainable development and planetary boundaries.

The journal will cover all aspects of disaster risk management from a global perspective, including but not limited to:

– Disaster and crisis management theory and practice,
– Risk awareness and assessment,
– Hazard and vulnerability analysis,
– Knowledge development including education, training, research and information on disasters,
– Public commitment and institutional frameworks, including organizational, policy, legislation and community action,
– Disaster prevention, mitigation, response, recovery planning, policies, and implementation,
– Promotes the interchange of ideas between practitioners, policy-makers and academics.

Link https://www.preventionweb.net/news/view/62502?fbclid=IwAR3dIw95Zff5GT6UesTmOe_Wba3BkB2L_Bt6eBeGT_dexlTcZTP50EMsZaY

Link http://upravljanje-rizicima.com/guidelines-for-contributors/