Objavljen rad ,,Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia – a study from selected municipalities „u prestižnom časopisu Acta Geographica

Članovi Naučno-stručnog društva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama su sproveli kvantitativno istraživanje u kojem je ispitan nivo pripremljenosti domaćinstva i lokalne zajednice u Srbiji za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama izazvanim zemljotresom. Pored toga, ispitan je i nivo povezanosti pripremljenosti sa demografskim i socio-ekonomskim karakteristikama građana. Tom prilikom, anketirano je 1018 ispitanika sa područja 8 lokalnih zajednica. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je populacija generalno nepripremljena za reagovanje. 

Videti opširnije na: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327744212_Household_earthquake_preparedness_in_Serbia_-_a_study_from_selected_municipalities



 Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia – a study from selected municipalities

 ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of a qualitative research regarding the household earthquake and community-level preparedness in Serbia and its relationship with various demographic factors. A series of 1,018 face–to–face interviews were conducted at the beginning of 2017 in 8 Serbian municipalities. The results show generally unprepared population and lower percentages of reported enhanced preparedness levels. In addition to presenting findings, the study also considers future research directions, including using this study as a baseline for more in-depth examination and to assist in facilitating community-led programs and strategies in order to raise the level of security of citizens during earthquakes.