Call for Participation in Research: Perception of Key Security Threats in the Republic of Serbia Among Students, with a Special Focus on Corruption (Istraživanje percepcije studentske populacije o ključnim pretnjama bezbednosti Republike Srbije sa posebnim naglaskom na korupciju)
Call for Participation in Research: Perception of Key Security Threats in the Republic of Serbia Among Students, with a Special Focus on Corruption (Istraživanje percepcije studentske populacije o ključnim pretnjama bezbednosti Republike Srbije sa posebnim naglaskom na korupciju) Dear students, (Poštovani studenti,) You are invited to participate in a research survey designed to examine perceptions of key security threats in the Republic of Serbia, with a particular focus on corruption. (Pozivamo vas da učestvujete u istraživanju koje ispituje percepciju ključnih bezbednosnih pretnji u Republici Srbiji, sa posebnim fokusom na korupciju.)…