About Us
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM)(Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama) is a dynamic, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management. Established for an indefinite period, our mission is to elevate the theoretical knowledge base, conduct cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative research, organize impactful national and international conferences, launch and manage academic journals, deliver comprehensive training programs, and perform thorough risk assessments, along with other academic activities in this vital field. Recognizing the immeasurable importance and pivotal role of non-governmental organizations and civil society in disaster risk management, including their proactive contributions to public policy, risk reduction actions, advocacy for enhanced preparedness and resilience, aid to affected individuals, and collaboration with emergency response services, Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković founded NSDR-URVS on June 15, 2018. This organization unites scientists and practitioners from Serbia and the region to collectively advance theoretical and empirical principles and support local decision-makers and leaders in managing disaster situations effectively.
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSDR-URVS) is led by President Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, with Anja Beli serving as the Secretary. NSDR-URVS boasts a diverse membership of over 1,500 individuals, including professors from all state and private universities and faculties in Serbia, scientific researchers, practitioners (such as members of the police force, fire and rescue units, emergency medical services, military, and security-related NGOs), as well as students and young professionals directly or indirectly involved in research and practical activities related to emergency situations. Membership is open to all interested individuals and can be obtained by filling out the application form available on our website and submitting it via the Society’s email. Join us and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management.
To further enhance our scientific endeavors, on December 21, 2020, we adopted the Statute and established the International Institute for Disaster Research. This institute serves as a hub for basic, applied, and developmental scientific research in disaster risk management. Our research spans various crucial areas, including disaster and hazard phenomenology, preparedness and risk mitigation, protection and rescue operations, disaster recovery, international cooperation, and legal frameworks related to disasters. We are committed to exploring innovative solutions and sharing our findings to build a safer, more resilient world.
Goals of SPS-DRM
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM) is committed to achieving several key objectives. Firstly, it focuses on conducting research in the field of disaster studies. This includes undertaking comprehensive studies to understand the various facets of disasters and their management. Secondly, the Society aims to establish and manage an international journal, specifically the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, to facilitate the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the field. Additionally, SPS-DRM is dedicated to preparing, applying for, and implementing national and international projects on various aspects of disaster risk management. This involves collaborating with various stakeholders to secure funding and support for impactful projects. The Society also prioritizes the promotion, design, implementation, and improvement of preventive measures against disasters, ensuring communities are better prepared and resilient.
Another crucial objective is raising public awareness. SPS-DRM develops and executes campaigns, programs, and plans to enhance public understanding of the necessity for improved disaster preparedness. This includes educating the public on best practices and safety measures. Furthermore, the Society organizes national and international scientific conferences on disaster risk management, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and networking among professionals. Conducting expert risk assessments and developing protection and rescue plans for emergency situations are also vital goals. These activities ensure that there are robust plans in place to mitigate the impact of disasters. Moreover, SPS-DRM is committed to organizing and conducting various forms of training, courses, seminars, and other educational activities for citizens, students, and employees in interested institutions. These programs are designed to enhance skills and knowledge in disaster risk management. Lastly, the Society performs other tasks in accordance with the law and its Statute, ensuring compliance and alignment with broader regulatory and organizational frameworks. Through these comprehensive efforts, SPS-DRM aims to significantly contribute to the field of disaster risk management and improve community resilience.
Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, koje je osnovano 15. juna 2018. godine, predstavlja ključni akter u unapređenju oblasti izdavačke delatnosti i širenju teorijskog znanja u domenu upravljanja rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Ovo društvo se ističe svojom predanošću multidisciplinarnom pristupu, čime omogućava kontinuirano stvaranje i distribuciju raznovrsne stručne literature. Ta literatura obuhvata širok spektar oblika i resursa, uključujući udžbenike, naučne monografije, zbirke propisa, praktikume, naučne časopise, periodične publikacije i mnoge druge korisne materijale.
Osnivanje Naučno-stručnog društva predstavlja ključni trenutak u promociji i unapređenju znanja u oblasti upravljanja rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Njihova posvećenost razvoju i širenju teorijskog fonda znanja odražava se u kontinuiranom radu na stvaranju i distribuciji resursa koji su od neprocenjive važnosti za šire akademske i stručne zajednice. Ovo je od suštinskog značaja ne samo za unapređenje oblasti upravljanja rizicima, već i za stvaranje resursa koji pružaju ključne smernice za bezbedno i efikasno delovanje u vanrednim situacijama.
Iako put ka unapređenju oblasti upravljanja rizicima može biti izazovan, Naučno-stručno društvo demonstrira da posvećenost i kontinuirani napor donose značajne rezultate. Ovo je inspiracija za sve nas da se zalaganjem i stručnošću možemo suočiti sa svim izazovima koji se javljaju u oblasti bezbednosti i rizika. Kroz težak rad i predanost, svako može doprineti stvaranju sigurnijeg okruženja za sebe i svoju zajednicu.
Osim toga, Naučno-stručno društvo ima za cilj da podrži nastavno-obrazovni sektor i naučnoistraživački rad. Njihova široka paleta izdanja pruža korisnicima u školama, univerzitetima i istraživačkim institucijama dragocen materijal za učenje, istraživanje i primenu najnovijih saznanja u praksi. Kroz ovakvu saradnju sa obrazovnim i istraživačkim institucijama, društvo postiže svoj cilj širenja znanja i podsticanja unapređenja u oblasti upravljanja rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama se pozicionira kao neprestani izvor informacija i podrške za zajednicu koja se bavi bezbednošću u vanrednim situacijama. Njihov napor i posvećenost stvaranju i distribuciji različitih oblika stručne literature obezbeđuju ključni doprinos u stvaranju održivih i sigurnih zajednica. Inspirativan je primer kako zajednički napor može obogatiti znanje i stvoriti resurse koji će nam pomoći da budemo spremni na sve što budućnost donese. Ova priča nam pokazuje da nikada nije kasno da se zalaganjem i stručnošću doprinese stvaranju sigurnijeg i bezbednijeg sveta.
U toku dosadašnjeg perioda, objavljenje se sledeće publikacije.
- Nikolić, N., Cvetković, V., Ivanov, A. (2023). Human resource management in environmental security. Belgrade: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Otpornost na katastrofe – Vodič za prevenciju, reagovanje i oporavak. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Istorijski razvoj Naučno-stručnog društva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Stanković, Lj. (2023). Medijski sistem Bosne i Hercegovine i promene identiteta. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Novaković, D. (2022). Rizici od požara u ustanovama za izvršenje krivičnih sankcija. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2022). Pravni i bezbednosni aspekti upravlјanja rizicima od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa. Izdavač: Pravni fakultet u Novom Sadu i Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., Čaušić, L. (2022). Zbirka propisa iz oblasti vanrednih situacija. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2022). Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2020). Upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., & Martinović, J. (2021). Upravljanje u nuklearnim katastrofama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., & Marina, J. (2021). Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2021). Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama: iskustva sa terena i pouke. Beograd: Prvi nacionalni seminar iz oblasti vanrednih situacija. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama (urednik).
- Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., & Gačić, J. (2019). Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2021). Bezbednosni rizici i katastrofe. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2019). Upravljanje rizicima i sistemi zaštite i spasavanja od katastrofa – Praktikum. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Publikacije možete naručiti preko imejla – upravljanje.rizicima.vs@gmail.com.
Security Risks and Disasters
The Practical Handbook “Security Risks and Disasters” is designed for undergraduate and master’s students at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, the Criminalistic-Police University, and other related faculties. Its purpose is to introduce students to the academic discipline of disaster studies, blending theoretical and practical knowledge. The handbook is based on the author’s extensive experience in research and teaching within this field and is crafted to facilitate the learning process through theoretical insights and practical exercises related to security risks and disasters.
Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of disaster studies, the handbook comprises various theoretical exercises aimed at highlighting the most critical aspects of the subject matter. It motivates students to actively participate in exercises during lectures, fostering deeper engagement and understanding. The handbook is structured around key topics, which include: Methodological Foundations of Disaster Research; Phenomenology of Disasters and Hazards; Vulnerability to Disasters; Resilience to Disasters; Integrated Disaster Risk Management; Prevention and Mitigation of Disaster Risks; Preparedness for Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters; Protection Against Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters; Recovery from Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters; Information Systems and Disaster Risk Management; International Cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction.
Each section contains several exercises, beginning with an introduction to the topic, followed by tasks and discussion questions. This approach ensures that students gain both foundational knowledge and practical skills.
The section on Methodological Foundations of Disaster Research introduces students to research methods in disaster studies, sources of disaster data, and theoretical frameworks, including theories of preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, and complex systems. Students engage in exercises that help them understand the evolution of systematic disaster research, identify the challenges and opportunities in disaster studies, and recognize various research traditions and heuristic approaches in disaster studies.
The chapter on Phenomenology of Disasters and Hazards explores the nature and characteristics of hazards and disasters, their classification, and their consequences. Topics include geological, atmospheric, and technological disasters, as well as disasters caused by weapons of mass destruction. Through practical exercises, students learn to classify hazards and disasters, examine the spatial and temporal distribution of disasters, and discuss myths, ethics, and models related to disasters.
The section on Resilience to Disasters delves into the concept of disaster resilience, its dimensions, and methods for measuring and improving it. Students analyze global and local indicators and develop strategies for enhancing resilience at the community level.
In Integrated Disaster Risk Management, students gain insights into risk management processes, including risk assessment, mapping, and public communication. Exercises focus on understanding disaster risk conceptualization, applying models and methodologies for risk assessment, and exploring strategies for informing the public about disaster risks.
The chapter on Preparedness for Disasters covers databases, response planning, equipment, and supplies. Students examine the importance of preparedness, the role of education and training in disaster readiness, and planning and logistical considerations for disaster scenarios.
The section on Protection Against Disasters introduces measures and planning for disaster protection, the organization of emergency services, and the role of volunteering. Students analyze protection measures and their implementation, understand the coordination of emergency and rescue services, and explore media communication during disasters.
The chapter on Recovery from Disasters addresses recovery phases, challenges, and planning. Students learn about short-term and long-term recovery measures, examine organizational issues and the role of donations, and discuss challenges faced by disaster risk managers during recovery.
The section on Information Systems and Disaster Management explores databases, GIS applications, and smart systems for disaster response, gaining knowledge about the use of geospatial data in disaster management and advanced technologies for monitoring and responding to disasters.
In International Cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction, the handbook focuses on international and regional organizations, legal frameworks, and procedures for seeking international aid during disasters. Students analyze the Sendai Framework and other international agreements, discuss the complexities of international disaster response, and understand the role of regional organizations in reducing disaster risks.
The handbook concludes with an overview of national and international legal frameworks in the chapter Legal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, highlighting key strategies, laws, and bylaws essential for disaster risk reduction.
The handbook is grounded in numerous works authored by the writer, such as: Risk Management in Emergency Situations; Collection of Regulations in Disaster Risk Management; Methodology of Disaster Research: Theories, Concepts, and Methods; Natural Disasters and Education; Police and Natural Disasters; Evacuation in Natural Disasters; Perception of Emergency Risks. Additionally, the handbook incorporates the latest scientific literature in disaster studies.
Special thanks are extended to the reviewers—Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jakovljević, Prof. Dr. Slavoljub Dragićević, and Prof. Dr. Srđan Milašinović—for their professional suggestions, which significantly enhanced the handbook. The author also expresses gratitude to the editor, Prof. Dr. Bojan Janković, for his invaluable comments and suggestions, and to Jovana Martinović for improving the design and quality of the book.
Based on years of teaching and research experience, this handbook represents a valuable educational tool. Its systematic approach aligns with the curricula of subjects such as Security Risks and Disasters, Risk Management in Emergency Situations, and Protection Against Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters. It ensures that students are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to address contemporary challenges in disaster studies.
Cvetković, V. (2021). Security Risks and Disasters. Belgrade: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
Risk Management and Systems for Protection and Rescue from Disasters
The Practical Handbook “Risk Management and Systems for Protection and Rescue from Disasters” is designed for undergraduate and master’s students at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, the Criminalistic-Police University, and other faculties. Its primary purpose is to introduce students to the academic discipline of disaster studies, combining theoretical and practical knowledge. The handbook is written based on the author’s extensive experience working with students at these institutions.
This handbook is tailored to facilitate the realization of both theoretical and practical exercises for students, aiming to simplify the learning process of topics related to risk management and disaster protection and rescue systems. Given the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, the handbook consists of numerous theoretical exercises that direct students to focus on the most critical aspects of the material, encouraging active participation during the classes and planned exercises. The handbook covers the following topics: I – Disasters and Hazards: Theories, Concepts, and Methods; II – Vulnerability, Resilience, and Methods of Disaster Research; III – Disaster Risk: Assessment Methodology and Protection and Rescue Plans; IV – National and International Legal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction; V – Preparedness and Mitigation of Disaster Risks; VI – Protection and Rescue Systems in Disasters: Response and Recovery; VII – Information Systems Supporting Disaster Risk Management and International Cooperation. Each section contains several exercises, including an introductory overview, tasks, discussion questions, and recommended literature. The handbook incorporates the latest literature in the field of disaster studies.
The author expresses special gratitude to the reviewers—Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jakovljević, Prof. Dr. Slavoljub Dragićević, and Prof. Dr. Dragan Mlađan—for their professional suggestions that significantly enhanced the handbook. The author is also particularly grateful to the editor, Prof. Dr. Boban Milojković, for his years of support and guidance in advancing the academic discipline of disaster studies.
In the first section of the handbook, “Disasters and Hazards: Theories, Concepts, and Methods”, students are introduced to theoretical content covering the conceptual definition and classification of disasters, natural and technological disasters, and disaster management. Through the exercises in this section, students acquire foundational knowledge in understanding the phenomenology of natural and technological disasters, theoretical approaches to studying disasters, relevant paradigms, the evolution of disaster definitions, and concepts related to integrated disaster management.
Building on the theoretical elaborations of the phenomenological dimensions of disasters and hazards, the second section, “Vulnerability, Resilience, and Methods of Disaster Research”, equips students with essential knowledge about the concepts of vulnerability and resilience in disasters and methods of disaster research. These thematic areas focus on describing the multidimensional nature of vulnerabilities affecting people, local communities, and critical infrastructure; applying resilience concepts to improve the safety of individuals and their property; the evolution of disaster studies; and advancing disaster research methods within quantitative and qualitative traditions.
Focusing on proactive actions to mitigate the future consequences of disasters, the third section, “Disaster Risk: Assessment Methodology and Protection and Rescue Plans”, includes exercises related to the concept and perception of disaster risks, disaster risk management, and the methodology of risk assessment and the preparation of protection and rescue plans. These topics enable students to understand the theoretical definition and characteristics of risks, explore the stages of risk management, and grasp the methodology of risk assessment and ways to develop protection and rescue plans. Knowledge of numerous legal and regulatory acts governing disaster risk reduction is a prerequisite for successful disaster risk management.
The fourth section, “National and International Legal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”, provides students with insights into the international and national legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction, as well as bylaws that address specific issues in greater detail. Through theoretical exercises, students gain knowledge of the provisions of the most important international and national regulations governing the preventive and repressive activities of the protection and rescue system.
The fifth section, “Preparedness and Mitigation of Disaster Risks,” and the sixth section, “Protection and Rescue Systems in Disasters: Response and Recovery,” provide students with essential knowledge about preparedness for natural and technological disasters, mitigation of disaster risks, protection and rescue systems, and post-disaster recovery. After completing these theoretical exercises, students enhance their understanding of the complex activities involved in preparing different entities and forces for protection and rescue, as well as the measures and actions undertaken during or after disasters to protect and save lives and health.
In the final section, “Information Systems Supporting Disaster Risk Management and International Cooperation,” topics such as disaster risk databases, geographic information systems, disaster risk reduction, and international cooperation for humanitarian assistance are discussed. Students acquire knowledge of various information technologies and databases used in disaster planning and response processes. Considering the roles students will assume after completing these faculties, the handbook is structured into thematic units to enable active participation in the teaching process and ensure efficient and straightforward mastery of the material.
To meet exam requirements, students must complete all exercises in the handbook and actively participate in answering the discussion questions. The instructor’s signature in the handbook confirms that all exercises have been completed. Participation in theoretical and practical exercises requires the possession of the handbook, a notebook for notes, and the prescribed literature. Attendance at lectures and exercises is mandatory, with justified absences being subject to make-up sessions.
Cvetković, V. (2019). Risk Management and Systems for Protection and Rescue from Disasters. Belgrade: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.