Innovative solutions for flood risk management – Inovativna rešenja za upravljanje rizicima od poplava

Innovative solutions for flood risk management – Inovativna rešenja za upravljanje rizicima od poplava

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predstavljamo vam najnoviji naučno pregledni rad o inovativnim rešenjima za upravljanje rizicima od poplava, objavljen u međunarodnom časopisu – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management.

Abstract: Starting from the importance of innovative solutions for improving the needs of different practitioners as flood risk managers, the purpose of this review was to describe and analyze, evaluates, and prioritizes the various available different innovative solutions that have sufficient potential to be useful and used by practitioners. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the DAREnet knowledge base (an integral feature of the DAREnet online community platform) which identified critical challenges for flood management and the relevant field or source of innovation, as well as the current scientific literature in the field of disaster studies. A fourth stage selection procedure identified candidate original or review papers and evaluated the degree to which papers met predetermined requirements for inclusion extracted from prior systematic reviews. Included in the study were over 100 studies that met the requirements for predetermined inclusion. The findings of this review showed that there is a huge untapped potential for innovative solutions in the field of prevention, preparedness, civil protection, communication, cooperation, etc. The findings of this review contribute to a growing body of knowledge regarding innovative solutions for flood risk management useful for practitioners. Keywords: disasters, floods, risk management, innovative solutions, DAREnet.

Funding – This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 740750.

Reference: Cvetković, V., & Martinović, J. (2020). Innovative solutions for flood risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(2), in press.