About Us

The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM)(Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama) is a dynamic, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management. Established for an indefinite period, our mission is to elevate the theoretical knowledge base, conduct cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative research, organize impactful national and international conferences, launch and manage academic journals, deliver comprehensive training programs, and perform thorough risk assessments, along with other academic activities in this vital field. Recognizing the immeasurable importance and pivotal role of non-governmental organizations and civil society in disaster risk management, including their proactive contributions to public policy, risk reduction actions, advocacy for enhanced preparedness and resilience, aid to affected individuals, and collaboration with emergency response services, Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković founded NSDR-URVS on June 15, 2018. This organization unites scientists and practitioners from Serbia and the region to collectively advance theoretical and empirical principles and support local decision-makers and leaders in managing disaster situations effectively.

The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSDR-URVS) is led by President Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, with Anja Beli serving as the Secretary. NSDR-URVS boasts a diverse membership of over 1,500 individuals, including professors from all state and private universities and faculties in Serbia, scientific researchers, practitioners (such as members of the police force, fire and rescue units, emergency medical services, military, and security-related NGOs), as well as students and young professionals directly or indirectly involved in research and practical activities related to emergency situations. Membership is open to all interested individuals and can be obtained by filling out the application form available on our website and submitting it via the Society’s email. Join us and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management.

To further enhance our scientific endeavors, on December 21, 2020, we adopted the Statute and established the International Institute for Disaster Research. This institute serves as a hub for basic, applied, and developmental scientific research in disaster risk management. Our research spans various crucial areas, including disaster and hazard phenomenology, preparedness and risk mitigation, protection and rescue operations, disaster recovery, international cooperation, and legal frameworks related to disasters. We are committed to exploring innovative solutions and sharing our findings to build a safer, more resilient world.

Goals of SPS-DRM

The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM) is committed to achieving several key objectives. Firstly, it focuses on conducting research in the field of disaster studies. This includes undertaking comprehensive studies to understand the various facets of disasters and their management. Secondly, the Society aims to establish and manage an international journal, specifically the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, to facilitate the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the field. Additionally, SPS-DRM is dedicated to preparing, applying for, and implementing national and international projects on various aspects of disaster risk management. This involves collaborating with various stakeholders to secure funding and support for impactful projects. The Society also prioritizes the promotion, design, implementation, and improvement of preventive measures against disasters, ensuring communities are better prepared and resilient.

Another crucial objective is raising public awareness. SPS-DRM develops and executes campaigns, programs, and plans to enhance public understanding of the necessity for improved disaster preparedness. This includes educating the public on best practices and safety measures. Furthermore, the Society organizes national and international scientific conferences on disaster risk management, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and networking among professionals. Conducting expert risk assessments and developing protection and rescue plans for emergency situations are also vital goals. These activities ensure that there are robust plans in place to mitigate the impact of disasters. Moreover, SPS-DRM is committed to organizing and conducting various forms of training, courses, seminars, and other educational activities for citizens, students, and employees in interested institutions. These programs are designed to enhance skills and knowledge in disaster risk management. Lastly, the Society performs other tasks in accordance with the law and its Statute, ensuring compliance and alignment with broader regulatory and organizational frameworks. Through these comprehensive efforts, SPS-DRM aims to significantly contribute to the field of disaster risk management and improve community resilience.

Historical Development of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management

Basic Information and Historical Development*

The Increasing Complexity of Disaster Risks in Serbia: A Call for Proactive Engagement

The dangers posed by disasters in Serbia are expected to grow more complex and severe in the coming years. In the face of these escalating threats, passivity is not an option. It is essential for individuals and communities alike to take an active role in proactive mitigation and disaster preparedness. Our future depends on the choices we make today, and the consequences of those decisions will shape the safety and well-being of generations to come. We are endowed with the freedom to choose, and it is imperative that we make informed and responsible decisions. Sitting idly by is not an option—we must confront the challenge of preparing for the worst-case scenarios that could compromise human safety, whether caused by natural disasters or technological catastrophes.

Serbia’s territory is susceptible to a wide range of natural and anthropogenic hazards. The risk is not uniform across the country; it varies depending on the type of hazard and its potential for destruction. Despite this, no comprehensive assessment has yet been made regarding the resilience of communities in Serbia to disasters. Without a solid scientific foundation, there is little opportunity to improve this resilience or to mitigate the future material and non-material impacts of disasters.

The development of a predictive model incorporating a Community Resilience Index for Disasters in Serbia would be a significant step forward. Such a model would create a foundation for crafting public policies, strategies, and procedures aimed at enhancing community resilience and reducing the impact of disasters on lives and property. This, in turn, would bolster public safety and prepare communities to anticipate and mitigate disaster risks more effectively. By integrating social identity indicators into predictions of community resilience, we can enhance disaster forecasting and readiness, ultimately helping to minimize the losses incurred during catastrophes. Additionally, establishing analytical frameworks to understand both community resilience and social identity in disaster contexts would lay the groundwork for designing innovative information systems. These systems would empower local communities to increase their resilience and effectively manage disaster risks.

Recognizing the critical role that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society play in disaster risk management—whether by contributing to public policy, advocating for improved preparedness and resilience, offering direct assistance to affected populations, or collaborating with emergency services—Professor Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković took the initiative on June 15, 2018, to establish the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSD-URVS). The Society was created to bring together scientists and practitioners from Serbia and the wider region, with the shared goal of advancing both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of disaster management. Furthermore, the Society aims to provide invaluable support to decision-makers at the local level and to leaders involved in managing emergency situations.

On that pivotal day, June 15, 2018, the founding assembly of the Society was convened. Under the leadership of Professor Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, professors from the Faculty of Security Studies, the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, the Faculty of Geography, and the Faculty of Forestry came together to unanimously adopt the Statute that officially established the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.

To further enhance the Society’s scientific mission, on December 21, 2020, the Statute was amended to establish the International Institute for Disaster Research. The Institute’s primary focus is conducting scientific research in the field of disaster studies. Its work is carried out in full compliance with Serbia’s Law on Scientific Research and is guided by the Institute’s established and adopted programmatic orientation. The Institute engages in a wide range of research activities, including basic, applied, and developmental studies related to disaster risk management. These efforts encompass a broad spectrum of topics: the phenomenology of disasters and hazards, preparedness and disaster risk reduction, protection and rescue operations, post-disaster recovery, international cooperation, and the legal frameworks that govern disaster response. The Institute also undertakes other activities in line with its Statute, always with the aim of advancing knowledge and practice in disaster management.

The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSD-URVS) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established for an indefinite period. Its mission is to advance the theoretical understanding of disaster risk management, conduct quantitative and qualitative research, organize national and international conferences, launch and manage academic journals, and provide training and risk assessments. Through these and other academic activities, the Society seeks to contribute meaningfully to the field of disaster management, both in Serbia and beyond.

Figure 1. Official Emblem of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management

Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management - Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama
Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management - Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama

International institute for disaster research


Leadership, Members, and Collaborators

The head of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management is President Professor Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, while Anja Beli serves as the Secretary. NSD-URVS comprises over 1,500 members, including professors from both public and private universities and faculties across Serbia, scientific researchers, practitioners (such as police officers, members of fire and rescue units, emergency medical services, military personnel, and NGOs in the field of security), as well as students and young professionals engaged in research and activities related to disaster management.

Membership is open to those interested in the field and is obtained by filling out an application form available on the Society’s website and sending it via email to the Society.

Core Activities and Goals

The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSD-URVS) engages in various scientific, educational, and practical activities aimed at improving disaster risk management for both natural and anthropogenic hazards. The Society is dedicated to promoting modern approaches in risk management and community protection through research, training, conferences, and publications. The primary goals of the Society include:

  • Development of theoretical and empirical knowledge – Advancing the scientific knowledge base in the field of risk management through research and scholarly work.
  • Education and training – Organizing educational programs, workshops, and training sessions to enhance preparedness and response capacities at the individual and institutional levels.
  • Promotion of public awareness – Raising awareness about the importance of disaster risk reduction and resilience building among the general public and specific stakeholders.
  • Collaboration with relevant institutions – Establishing partnerships with national and international organizations, universities, and government agencies to foster a collaborative approach to disaster risk management.
  • Support for decision-makers – Providing expert guidance and recommendations to policymakers and local authorities to improve disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts.
  • Publication and dissemination of research – Publishing scientific papers, manuals, and guidelines that contribute to the understanding and advancement of disaster risk management strategies.Through these activities, the NSD-URVS aims to strengthen the overall disaster resilience of communities and contribute to the creation of effective and sustainable disaster risk management systems.

Scientific Research and Publishing Activities

Within the scientific and publishing activities of the Society, a significant number of textbooks, monographs, and collections have been published, including:

  • Essential Tactics of Search and Rescue in Disasters, 2024
  • Media System of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Identity Changes – scientific monograph, 2023
  • Fire Risks in Correctional Institutions – scientific monograph, 2023
    Tactics of Protection and Rescue in Disasters – textbook, 2022
  • Legal and Security Aspects of Disaster Risk Management for Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters – collection of papers, 2022
  • Disaster Risk Management – textbook, 2020
  • Disaster Myths: Truths and Misconceptions – scientific monograph, 2021
  • Nuclear Disasters Management – scientific monograph, 2021
  • Security Risks and Disasters – practical guide, 2021
  • Risk Management and Disaster Protection and Rescue Systems – practical guide, 2021
  • Collection of Regulations in the Field of Disaster Risk Management – 2019
  • Tactics of Protection and Rescue in Emergency Situations: Field Experiences and Lessons – a collection of papers, 2021
  • The Society’s collaborators have also authored over five projects in the field of emergency situations and more than 100 scientific papers.

Conducted Trainings, Courses, and Lectures

U organizaciji Naučno-stručnog društva za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama realizovan je veći broj obuka i drugih aktivnosti usmerenih na edukaciji iz oblasti vanrednih situacija: Prva nacionalna bezbednosna obuka iz oblasti vanrednih situacija u Lučanima, 2023. godine; Prva osnovna bezbednosna obuka iz oblasti vanrednih situacija na Staroj planini od 13. do 16. jula 2018. godine (100 polaznika); Druga osnovna bezbednosna obuka iz oblasti zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama u Ovčarsko-Kablarskoj klisuri od 29. novembra do 1. decembra 2019. godine (60 polaznika); Treća osnovna bezbednosna obuka iz oblasti vanrednih situacija od 29. oktobra do 1. novembra 2021. godine; Komandno-simulaciona vežba sanacije klizišta i rada Gradskog štaba za vanredne situacije, održana 6. aprila 2019. godine u sportskoj hali Crna rupa; Obuka orijentacija za potrebe zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama, održana 16. marta 2019. godine na Košutnjaku (110 polaznika); Obuka iz oblasti zaštite i spasavanja lјudi na nepristupačnim terenima (alpinističke i spasilačke aktivnosti), 8. marta 2019. godine; Formirana jedinica civilne zaštite opšte namene za potrebe zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama shodno Zakonu o smanjenju rizika od katastrofa i upravlјanju u vanrednim situacijama; Obeležavanje Svetskog dana civilne zaštite u Svečanoj sali Stari dvor, 1. marta 2020. godine; Učestvovanje članova i saradnika Društva u pružanju pomoći ugroženom stanovništvu grada Beograda u toku epidemije izazvane Korona virusom, 2020. godina; Učestovanje Sekretara društva u Forumu mladih lidera održanom u Novom Sadu od 22. do 24. novembra 2019. godine; Učestvovanje članova i saradnika u konferenciji o ekološkoj bezbednosti ,,Uozbilјimo se“, 2020. godina; Osnovna bezbednosna obuka u rukovanju i manipulaciji vatrenim oružjem, strelјana MUŠ, Novi Beograd, 2020. godine (120 polazanika); Učestvovanje u edukativnom seminaru ,,Aktivne žene, aktivno društvo“, Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost, od 26. do 29. septembra 2019. godine; Realizacija letnjeg kursa borilačkih veština, primena alata samoodbrane u vanrednim situacijama u trajanju od 7 dana, 2020. godine (90 polaznika); Učestvovanje članova i saradnika Društva u međunarodnoj terenskoj vežbi – Upravlјanje posledicama vanrednih situacija, Srbija 2018 u organizaciji Ministarstva unutrašnjnih poslova, Sektora za vanredne situacije i Evropskog atlantskog koordinacionog centra za vanredne situacije, od 8. do 11. oktobra 2018. godine; Održano predavanje Iskustva i pouke u zaštiti i spasavanju građana Srbije za vreme oružane agresije 1999 godine; Održana tribina o stanju vanrednih situacija na području grada Beograda, 28. marta 2019. godine u svečanoj sali opštine Zvezdara; 28. marta 2019. godine osnovan i objavlјen prvi međunarodni časopis – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM); Na osnivačkoj skupštini, održanoj 21.12.2020. godine, donet je Statut i osnovan je Međunarodni institut za istraživanje katastrofa (International Institute for Disaster Research), kao organizaciona jedinica Društva, osnivač doc. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković; Kreirana nacionalna elektronska platforma za online kurseve iz oblasti vanrednih situacija, 2021. godina.