Doc. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković izabran za lokalnog eksperta iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima u katastrofama
Sa ponosom vas obaveštavamo da je doc. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković sa Fakulteta bezbednosti, Univerziteta u Beogradu, na konkursu (IPA FF Local expert) raspisanom od strane međunarodnog konzorcijuma, izabran za lokalnog eksperta iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa u Srbiji i zvanično angažovan na međunarodnom projektu podržanom od strane Generalnog direktorata ECHO-a, Evropske komisije za evropsku civilnu zaštitu i operacije humanitarne pomoći (DG ECHO).
Međunarodni projekat – Podrška EU prevenciji poplava i upravljanju rizikom od šumskih požara na Zapadnom Balkanu i Turskoj.
The international consortium established by the Italian Civil Protection Department jointly with the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (URSZR), the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the Fire Rescue Brigade of Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic (FRB-MSR), the National Center for Disaster Management Foundation, Romania (CN APELL-RO) and CIMA Research Foundation, Italy (CIMA)
the 3-years “EU Support to Flood Prevention and Forest Fires Risk Management in the Western Balkans and Turkey
IPA FF” program under the grant agreement signed with the European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).
The scope of IPA FF is to support Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey (the “Partners”) in further aligning with the EU legislation and adapting to EU practices in civil protection. In particular, the program provides Partners with support and technical assistance to improve the legal and institutional framework related to the EU Floods Directive (“EUFD”), and institutional coordination among all the actors involved in the EUFD implementation and to improve prevention, preparedness and capacity to respond to forest fires at central, regional and EU level.
Within this context IPA FF objectives under different work-packages include:
a) to improve Partners’ capacity to develop Flood Risk management Plans and develop or strengthen early warning systems procedures for floods at local and central level;
b) to improve capacities for flood risk management at transboundary level;
c) to provide technical support for developing risk assessment and risk management capabilities for forest fires;
d) to establish, equip and train ground forest firefighting modules in line with the Union Civil Protection Mechanism provisions;
e) to develop border crossing protocols and Host Nation Support (“HNS”) protocols according to the EU Guidelines on Host Nation Support.
CIMA Research Foundation – International Centre on Environmental Monitoring (“CIMA”), an Italian non-profit foundation active in the fields of Civil Protection, Early Warning Systems, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conservation, is the partner within the IPA FF consortium responsible also for the centralized administrative and financial management of program resources.