About Us
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM)(Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama) is a dynamic, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management. Established for an indefinite period, our mission is to elevate the theoretical knowledge base, conduct cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative research, organize impactful national and international conferences, launch and manage academic journals, deliver comprehensive training programs, and perform thorough risk assessments, along with other academic activities in this vital field. Recognizing the immeasurable importance and pivotal role of non-governmental organizations and civil society in disaster risk management, including their proactive contributions to public policy, risk reduction actions, advocacy for enhanced preparedness and resilience, aid to affected individuals, and collaboration with emergency response services, Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković founded NSDR-URVS on June 15, 2018. This organization unites scientists and practitioners from Serbia and the region to collectively advance theoretical and empirical principles and support local decision-makers and leaders in managing disaster situations effectively.
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (NSDR-URVS) is led by President Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, with Anja Beli serving as the Secretary. NSDR-URVS boasts a diverse membership of over 1,500 individuals, including professors from all state and private universities and faculties in Serbia, scientific researchers, practitioners (such as members of the police force, fire and rescue units, emergency medical services, military, and security-related NGOs), as well as students and young professionals directly or indirectly involved in research and practical activities related to emergency situations. Membership is open to all interested individuals and can be obtained by filling out the application form available on our website and submitting it via the Society’s email. Join us and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing the field of disaster risk management.
To further enhance our scientific endeavors, on December 21, 2020, we adopted the Statute and established the International Institute for Disaster Research. This institute serves as a hub for basic, applied, and developmental scientific research in disaster risk management. Our research spans various crucial areas, including disaster and hazard phenomenology, preparedness and risk mitigation, protection and rescue operations, disaster recovery, international cooperation, and legal frameworks related to disasters. We are committed to exploring innovative solutions and sharing our findings to build a safer, more resilient world.
Goals of SPS-DRM
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management (SPS-DRM) is committed to achieving several key objectives. Firstly, it focuses on conducting research in the field of disaster studies. This includes undertaking comprehensive studies to understand the various facets of disasters and their management. Secondly, the Society aims to establish and manage an international journal, specifically the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, to facilitate the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the field. Additionally, SPS-DRM is dedicated to preparing, applying for, and implementing national and international projects on various aspects of disaster risk management. This involves collaborating with various stakeholders to secure funding and support for impactful projects. The Society also prioritizes the promotion, design, implementation, and improvement of preventive measures against disasters, ensuring communities are better prepared and resilient.
Another crucial objective is raising public awareness. SPS-DRM develops and executes campaigns, programs, and plans to enhance public understanding of the necessity for improved disaster preparedness. This includes educating the public on best practices and safety measures. Furthermore, the Society organizes national and international scientific conferences on disaster risk management, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and networking among professionals. Conducting expert risk assessments and developing protection and rescue plans for emergency situations are also vital goals. These activities ensure that there are robust plans in place to mitigate the impact of disasters. Moreover, SPS-DRM is committed to organizing and conducting various forms of training, courses, seminars, and other educational activities for citizens, students, and employees in interested institutions. These programs are designed to enhance skills and knowledge in disaster risk management. Lastly, the Society performs other tasks in accordance with the law and its Statute, ensuring compliance and alignment with broader regulatory and organizational frameworks. Through these comprehensive efforts, SPS-DRM aims to significantly contribute to the field of disaster risk management and improve community resilience.
Pursuant to Articles 12 and 78 of the Law on Associations („Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,“ No. 51/09), Professor Vladimir M. Cvetković establishes the „Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management“ at the session held on September 18, 2018, in Belgrade, and adopts the following:
“Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management”
Area of Activity for Achieving Objectives
Article 1
The „Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management“ (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a non-governmental, non-profit association established for an indefinite period to achieve objectives related to the improvement of the existing theoretical knowledge in the field of disaster risk management, conducting quantitative and qualitative research, organizing national and international conferences, establishing journals, conducting training and risk assessments, and other academic activities in the aforementioned field.
Objectives of the Association
Article 2
- To establish an international scientific journal, „International Journal of Disaster Risk Management,“ in English, dedicated primarily to publishing original quantitative and qualitative research by interested academics from Serbia and abroad.
- To conduct research based on quantitative or qualitative research traditions within the country and internationally in the field of disaster risk management.
- To prepare, apply for, and implement national and international projects on various aspects of disaster risk management.
- To promote, design, implement, and enhance preventive measures aimed at strengthening institutional and non-institutional capacities for disaster response. This includes developing campaigns, programs, and plans for raising citizen awareness about the necessity of improving their preparedness based on conducted research.
- To organize national and international scientific conferences in the field of disaster risk management.
- To conduct professional risk assessments and develop protection and rescue plans for disasters at the level of legal entities, companies, and local communities in accordance with the Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management, as well as drafting Risk Assessment Acts in line with the Law on Private Security.
- To organize and conduct various forms of professional development for citizens, students, and employees in interested institutions to train personnel engaged in disaster risk management tasks.
- To perform other activities in accordance with the law and this Statute.
Specific Activities for Achieving Objectives
Article 3
To achieve its objectives, the Scientific-Professional Society particularly:
- Organizes and conducts field research to collect primary data necessary for scientific research activities in disaster risk management.
- Establishes scientific databases based on the collection of primary and secondary data (analysis of domestic and international literature and research).
- Publishes scientific monographs, conference proceedings, legal collections, journals, and other publications in the field of disaster risk management.
- Establishes cooperation with relevant entities and organizations (government bodies, faculties, legal entities) dealing with disaster risk management both domestically and internationally.
- Brings together interested scientific and professional communities to improve theoretical consideration in the field of disaster risk management, as well as to enhance the actions of competent entities and forces within the protection and rescue system.
- Organizes campaigns to promote a culture of disaster risk reduction; drafts risk assessment documents in the field of disasters and private security, as well as protection and rescue plans.
- Provides education to citizens, students, and pupils in line with adopted education programs within the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
- Influences decision-makers in the country to base their solutions for disaster risk reduction on the results of the latest research and recommendations from relevant international organizations in disaster risk management.
Name and Headquarters of the Association
Article 4
The name of the association is: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
The name in a foreign language is: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
The abbreviated name is: NSD – URVS.
The headquarters of the Association is in Belgrade, Zvezdara, Dimitrija Tucovića 121.
The Association conducts its activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Internal Organization
Article 5
The bodies of the Association are:
- The Assembly,
- The Management Board,
- The Supervisory Board, and
- The Representative.
The function of the Representative is performed by the President of the Management Board, or in their absence, the Vice President of the Management Board.
Assembly of the Association
Article 6
The Assembly of the Association comprises all its members.
The Assembly meets regularly once a year. An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be convened upon a reasoned proposal by the Management Board or at the initiative of at least one-third of the Assembly members. The initiative is submitted to the Management Board in writing and must specify the issues proposed for discussion.
The President of the Management Board convenes the session of the Assembly, providing written notification of the time, place, and proposed agenda. The session is chaired by a person elected by public vote at the beginning of the session.
The Assembly:
Adopts the work plan and program.
- Adopts the Statute, as well as amendments to the Statute.
- Adopts other general acts of the Association.
- Elects and dismisses members of the Management Board.
- Reviews and adopts, at least annually, reports from the Management Board.
- Reviews and adopts the financial plan and report.
- Elects a Secretary from among its members.
- Decides on changes in the Association’s status and its termination.
- Decides on joining alliances or other associations domestically or internationally.
The Assembly makes valid decisions if at least half of the members are present.
Decisions are made by a majority vote of the members present.
Amendments to the Statute, changes in status, or termination of the Association require a two-thirds majority of votes from the members present.
Management Board
Article 7
The Management Board is the executive body of the Association responsible for implementing its objectives as defined by this Statute. The Management Board consists of five members elected and dismissed by the Assembly.
The term of office for members of the Management Board is five years, and they may be re-elected to the same position. The Management Board elects the President and Vice President from among its members. The President represents and acts on behalf of the Association in legal matters and serves as the financial officer. The Vice President and General Secretary are authorized to represent the Association and sign all financial documents in the absence of the President.
The Management Board specifically:
- Manages the Association’s activities between Assembly sessions and makes decisions to achieve its goals.
- Organizes the regular activities of the Association.
- Delegates specific tasks to individual members.
- Makes financial decisions.
- Initiates and proposes amendments to the Statute on its initiative or at the proposal of at least five members, and submits these amendments for approval by the Assembly.
The Management Board makes valid decisions if at least half of its members are present, with decisions made by a majority vote of the members present.
Supervisory Board
Article 8
The Supervisory Board oversees the financial operations of the Association and promptly informs the Management Board of any irregularities.
The Supervisory Board consists of three members elected by the Assembly. The term of office for members is four years, and they may be re-elected. The Supervisory Board submits reports at each Assembly session.
Article 9
Any individual who accepts the objectives and Statute of the Association and submits a membership application to the Management Board may become a member of the Association.
A minor aged 14 years or older may join the Association with a certified statement of consent from their legal guardian. For minors under the age of 14, the application is submitted by their legal guardian.
Termination of Membership
Article 10
The decision to admit a member is made by the Assembly, which promptly notifies the applicant. A member may withdraw from the Association by submitting a written statement of withdrawal. Membership may also be terminated due to prolonged inactivity, violation of this Statute, or actions that harm the Association’s reputation.
The decision to terminate membership is made by the Assembly, based on a reasoned proposal from the Management Board. The member must be given an opportunity to respond to the reasons for the proposed termination.
Rights, Obligations, and Responsibilities of Members
Article 11
A member of the Association has the right to:
- Participate equally with other members in achieving the Association’s objectives.
- Participate directly in decision-making at the Assembly and through the Association’s bodies.
- Elect and be elected to the Association’s bodies.
- Be promptly and fully informed about the Association’s work and activities.
A member is obliged to:
- Actively contribute to achieving the Association’s objectives.
- Participate in the Association’s activities according to their interests.
- Pay membership fees.
- Perform other tasks assigned by the Management Board.
Publicity of Work
Article 12
The work of the Association is public.
The Management Board ensures regular communication with members and the public about the Association’s activities through internal publications, public announcements, or other appropriate means. Annual financial reports and activity reports are presented to members at the Assembly session.
Article 13
To achieve its objectives, the Association establishes contacts and cooperates with other associations and organizations domestically and internationally. The Association may join international environmental associations, subject to the decision of the Assembly.
Funding and Management of Resources
Article 14
The Association obtains funds from membership fees, voluntary contributions, donations, gifts, financial subsidies, and other lawful means. The Association may also generate funds from conference participation fees, publication of scientific papers in journals, and participation in national and international projects.
Business Activities
Article 15
To secure operational funding, the Association may engage in the following activities:
Activity Code | Activity Name
7112 | Engineering Activities and Technical Consulting
The decision to initiate such activities is made by the Management Board based on a feasibility study and business plan. Activities will be undertaken following their registration in accordance with the law.
The Association may establish a business entity to carry out its activities, subject to a decision by the Management Board. Any profit generated from these activities may only be used to achieve the Association’s objectives.
Termination of the Association
Article 16
The Association ceases to operate by a decision of the Assembly when the conditions for achieving its objectives no longer exist or in other cases provided by law. Upon termination, the Association’s assets are transferred to the Scientific-Professional Society for Emergency Situations at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, to be used for the same purposes.
Seal Design and Content
Article 17
The Association’s seal is circular, with the upper half inscribed: „Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.“
Final Provisions
Article 18
Any matters not regulated by this Statute will be directly governed by the provisions of the Law on Associations.
Article 19
This Statute comes into effect on the day it is adopted by the Assembly of the Association.
President of NSD-URVS
Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies