A Predictive Model of Pandemic Disaster Fear Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19): Implications for Decision-Makers
Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, Beograd. Obuke, edukacije, seminari, kursevi - Medjunarodni institut za istraživanje katastrofa.
👉 Dragi prijatelji, sa ponosom vam predstavljam naučno-istraživački rad ,,A Predictive Model of Pandemic Disaster Fear Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19): Implications for Decision-Makers“, prihvaćen za publikovanje u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health), Q1 (M21) kategorije, najbolje rangiranih 25% svetskih međunarodnih časopisa.
👉 Rad će biti publikovan u prvom kvartalu 2022. godine i biće javno dostupan.
👉 Sa ponosom, predstavljamo naš Fakultet bezbednosti, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama i Međunarodni institut za istraživanje katastrofa i Srbiju u svetskim naučnim okvirima.
👉We are very proud to share with you our latest scientific article just accepted in the journal – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN – 1660-4601) and will be published in 2022. 👉Impact Factor: 3.390 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.789 (2020) – JCR – Q1 (M21) 👉High Visibility, Coverage by Leading Indexing Services: indexed within Scopus, SCIE and SSCI (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Embase, GEOBASE, CAPlus/SciFinder, and many other databases. 📜 Title: A Predictive Model of Pandemic Disaster Fear Caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19): Implications for Decision-Makers
👉🚓This paper presents quantitative research results regarding a predictive model of pandemic disaster fear caused by the coronavirus disease (COVİD-19). The aim of this paper was to establish the level and impact of certain demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of pandemic disaster fear caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19).
👉The results of the multivariate regression analyses showed the most important predictor for fear of COVID-19 to be gender, followed by age and education level. Furthermore, the results of the t-test showed statistically significant differences between men and women in terms of different aspects of pandemic disaster fear caused by the coronavirus disease.
👉Our results have several significant public health implications. Women who were more educated and knowledgeable, married, and older, were associated with a greater fear of the outbreak at various levels. Decision-makers can use these findings to identify better strategic opportunities for pandemic disaster risk management.
👉Funding: This research was funded by Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Manage-ment, Belgrade (https://upravljanje-rizicima.com/, accessed on 30 September 2021) and International Institute for Disaster Research (https://idr.edu.rs/, accessed on 30 September 2021), Belgrade, Serbia.