Članovi Naučno-stručnog društva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama,  doc. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković i Marina Filpović učestvovali su u regionalnoj radionici o razvoju ljudskih resursa u nuklearnoj bezbednosti orgranizovanoj od strane Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju (IAEA). Radionica je održana u Podgorici od 30. oktobra do 3. novembra 2017. godine. Svi učesnici obuke su nakon realizovanih vežbi i brojnih zadataka dobili sertifikate. U okviru radionice, eksperti iz nuklearne bezbednosti održali su veliki broj predavanja i organizovali veći broj praktičnih vežbi:

  •  Rosatom Corporation practices in human resource development for nuclear security,
  • Practices in human resource development for nuclear security,
  • The Department of Energy’s human resource development in the area of nuclear security,
  • Exercise on estimating resources for the development of training,
  • A 20-minute presentation (including 5 minutes for questions from participants) to be provided by each country, explaining national practices in human resources development; education and training; and human resource, education and training needs analyses in the field of nuclear security, according to the template provided,
  • HR, Education and Training Needs Analysis,
  • Exercise on regular and systematic Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and identification of training related and non-training recommendations for improving performance of personnel and improving the training system,
  • The Department of Energy’s National Training Center: methods for analysis of training needs,
  • An exercise on training needs analysis for the jobs with functions in nuclear security,
  • Rosatom Technical Academy practices in training in the area of nuclear security,
  • Training practices in the area of nuclear security in Bulgaria,
  • An exercise on competency analysis for personnel with functions in nuclear security,
  • An exercise on overall human resource, education and training needs
  • Assuring instructors’ competence: approaches and experiences